Most Common Scams Around the World

Last updated on March 8th, 2021 at 10:31 pmWe’ve lived around the United States, Europe, Australia and have traveled to 57+ countries. We know that people worldwide are generally good, but we’ve had some sketchy encounters with shady characters. Unfortunately, touristy locations can be breeding grounds for crimes or scams of opportunity. We’ve even personally…

Amsterdam’s Red Light District: Tips and Tricks

Last updated on March 6th, 2024 at 04:47 pmEuropeans are generally more relaxed than Americans regarding sex and prostitution. So one of the things Amsterdam has become famous for is the sex trade in its Red Light District (‘De Wallen’ in Dutch). The Red Light district compromises around 300 rooms (kamers in Dutch), where scantily…

Common Scams in Krakow and Eastern Europe to Avoid

Last updated on February 12th, 2024 at 12:34 pmKrakow can be a great place to visit. Poland’s second largest city and most visited destination offers a wonderful mix of interesting history and great nightlife. Unfortunately, like other popular Eastern European cities like Prague, Budapest and Riga, the boom in tourism has also seen a spike…

horse and carriage ride in Krakow