Crazy Singapore Photos

Last week we published an article that included funny and interesting pictures from Singapore. But in a country so cultural diverse, and with such strict rules, we felt there should be a sequel. As to not be too culturally insensitive, not all these photos are crazy Singapore photos, it just makes for a good headline.

Death For Drug Traffickers Under Singapore Law

Entry stamp into Singapore warning that drug traffickers will face the death penalty
We flew into Singapore from Australia on Emirates airlines. As we were about to land, one of the flight attendants announced that Emirates was obligated to warn us that drug possession is met with capital punishment in Singapore. In other words, if you had any weed in your pocket, that was the time to go the bathroom and flush it down the toilet! You even get one of these fun little entry cards on the plane that immigration stamps upon entry into the country. If you’re traveling to Singapore, just say no to drugs kids. You ain’t in Amsterdam anymore.


Kids in the Chinatown district of Singapore looking at a stall
Chinatown in Singapore. I couldn’t resist following them for a minute to candidly get the “right” shot to include in a silly blog post. Not sure what’s going on with this Fuchun field trip, being guided by a young middle school teacher in the black t-shirt who hasn’t fully grown up herself. We all had this teacher back in the day and it’s great to see this transcend cultures.

Squat Toilets

Asian squat toilet in Singapore
Squat toilets are the local norm in Southeast Asia and the Middle East- they’re usually b.y.o. toilet paper too so be prepared. Luckily Singapore has a mixed bag of toilets and here I found toilet paper was provided at this shopping mall squat. I understand why some people don’t want to sit on a public toilet, but how do you tactically navigate this thing if you have a case of the bum squirts?

Singapore Burger King

Burger King advertising, crazy Singapore photos

Cultural Quirks

Speaking of toilets, it’s great to find a taste of home while abroad. The Burger King in Singapore airport shows us everything we will discover in the city, before setting foot outside. Thanks BK.

Singapore bacon, crazy Singapore photos
Singapore has phenomenal bacon which is seriously a must to try. But this bacon shop was ironically dead given the sign posted out the front boasting of its legacy and long queues.

Buddhist afterlife items, crazy Singapore photos
Buddhists believe in an afterlife, but unlike Christianity you need to pack your own things apparently. Times have changed and now you can even buy fake wireless “iPods” to throw in the casket of a loved one. Apparently a wireless iPod plays music in the afterlife.

As a proud American, I’m going to give these Singaporeans the benefit of the doubt. They obviously could not keep everything from their exciting 4th of July celebration. And at least it’s not burnt.

Foul Food

Foul medames, crazy Singapore photos
If I’m paying 8 Singapore dollars for medames, I prefer they not be foul. Saucy medames can be quite pleasant however. Ok in fairness, this is a popular Middle Eastern dish that can be found around the world.

Want to Save Money on Accommodation in Singapore?

We often find that booking offers the best hotel deals, especially in Europe, but even in North America. Singapore is expensive, so budget travelers will find better value on Airbnb. If you’ve never used Airbnb, sign up here and receive a discount off your first stay! Be sure to book places with consistently good reviews for a great experience!

Read more of our articles on Singapore, like:

Is Singapore Worth a Visit?

Highlights of Crazy Singapore

Sentosa Island: A Man Made Beach in Singapore

Leave a comment below if you have a question or comment on travel in Singapore!

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  • Alex&Bell

    Alex and Bell originally met while solo traveling after finishing university in 2002, in Brugge, Belgium. Alex grew up in the USA and Bell hails from Australia. During our nearly 20 year marriage we've lived around the world, including spending six years living in the Netherlands and Ireland. We have traveled to nearly 70 countries and enjoy giving readers authentic and quality travel tips. Alex is an award winning travel journalist and travel planner, who also freelances for other outlets. Bell is an award winning PhD scientist who currently works for a non-profit lung cancer advocacy research organization called Lungevity. Happy travels and if you have any questions leave a comment or drop an email!

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